Saturday, January 2, 2016

TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE: Morning Guided Meditation

MORNING MEDITATION: Guided Meditation to Start your Day with ENERGY and FOCUS

The time we meditate is very important on what we intend for this meditation. Morning meditation is not the only good time to meditate, but I do believe the morning meditation is the most important time and most powerful time to meditate.

In the Morning, our brains are the most rested and ready to take in information. This is the time of day that leads the way and makes an makes the impact for the rest of the day. If we wake up in the morning and rush around and listen to the depressing, violent details of the news, we will go on the rest of our day feeling depressed and worried and exhausted.

Now, if we change this habit and create a new one that can fill our lives with enlightenment, success, and happiness, it would start off with a Morning Meditation. When we feed our mind, especially right when we wake up in the morning, with positive thoughts and feelings, our lives begin to catapult into a positive direction. You  will notice how much energy you have, how much more focused you are, and how things begin to really go your way when you feed your mind with positive thoughts and meditation.

If you meditate every morning to start your day off in an amazing way, your entire life will change in a positive way. The impossible begins to seem possible, things become effortless, and your life becomes better and better every day.

In my experience, meditation has brought me from a state of anxiety and depression and transformed me into having a deep sense of enlightenment, joy, and happiness.

I hope you enjoy this meditation from Louise Hay as much as I do and I wish you the same success I have gotten from it.

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Beginner's Guided Meditation

Powerful Positive Affirmations:

For More Great Info on Meditation view my WEBSITE:

Benefits of Meditation:

What I learned From Meditation:

 Dauchsy Dauchsy23

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