What are Affirmations?
An affirmation is a short statement you say to yourself and repeat to yourself so that you reprogram your mind to think in an empowering train of thought. That means, all the doubts and limiting beliefs that are always chattering in your mind, telling you, "you can't do it because of this", or "you will fail because of this". All of these limiting beliefs will be replaced by the empowering messages you choose. By repeating a powerful, positive message to yourself over and over, it actually tricks the subconscious mind into believing whatever you repeat constantly. So if you repeat to yourself over and over, "I am confident, I am Confident, I am CONFIDENT", Your subconscious will pick up on that, and before you even realize it, you will begin to act confidently as if you were a naturally confident person. It will start to seem so easy and effortless. Your positive affirmation can be about anything from fitness, relationships, self development, business, money and anything you can think of!
The Subconscious Mind and Your Beliefs.
Your subconscious mind is where all of your deep seeded beliefs are held. So all of your limiting beliefs about money, how you look, your health, etc. will continually control your life if some kind of change is not made. The bad thing is, our subconscious mind is very stubborn and does not want to change. Some of our limiting beliefs are just so ingrained in us and come from places we can not even remember anymore. This is why it is so necessary to repeat these affirmations over and over until we gain back the control and make the change.
For affirmations to truly work for you, you will need to affirm every day. Every day you can set aside 5 minutes and simply repeat over and over to yourself your affirmation. "I am Intelligent, I am Intelligent, I am Intelligent!" The more consistent you are, the better and faster it works. So if you remember to do it 3 times a week and miss a couple day, it won't work nearly as well as doing it every single day. It is very important for you to really drill that affirmation into your subconscious mind until you replace those limiting beliefs completely!
The second step in affirmations is to consciously believe your affirmations to be true. The more you consciously believe you are confident, your are intelligent, you are beautiful, the faster your subconscious will pick up that and begin to change that much faster. The good part is, even if you struggle with this part, if you are having trouble believing you are confident or intelligent because your past experiences don't make that true, it's okay. Your subconscious mind will still pick up on your positive affirmations even if you don't believe it yet. It just might take a bit longer to get rid of those deep seeded beliefs.
Make sure your positive affirmation is short and to the point. If your affirmation is long and drawn out, you will lose the important part. The good stuff just gets washed out as the affirmation gets longer and longer. Here are some examples of good, short and sweet positive affirmations:
- I am Confident
- I love being Confident
- I have Unlimited Energy
- I am Fit and Healthy
- I am Wealthy
- I am at 150 pounds
This step can definitely be a struggle for some because sometimes we just get stuck in a negative mindset and it's hard to focus on the positive. The point of this step is to make sure that you state your affirmation in a positive way. All the words in the affirmation should be focused positively.
For example, A good positive affirmation is "I am Wealthy". or "I am Healthy"
A bad affirmation would be "I am going to get out of Debt" or " I will not go broke"
These bad affirmations may seem positive for some because getting out of debt is absolutely a positive thing! The down side comes from the fact that your subconscious mind will only pick up on one main word "DEBT" or "BROKE" and believe what you tell it to believe.
It is very important that your positive affirmations are written or spoken in the present tense. Remember, your subconscious mind is more powerful than you can imagine. Your affirmations will obviously not be true yet as you would not be using those affirmations in the first place if you already had those qualities. Although your statements will not be true yet, your subconscious mind is so powerful, that when it begins to believe what you are telling it, your mind will begin to act in ways to make it true. So, if you are stating your positive affirmations as if it will happen in the future, example, "I will be confident" your subconscious mind won't need to change because you will be confident in the future and will not need to worry about that right now!
I know I told you in step 3 to be short and sweet, but do your best to make your positive affirmations as specific as possible. If you want more money, be specific by saying, "I earn $100,000 a year". "I own a 2014 BMW X4". "I live in a mansion in Beverly Hill". You get the idea. You still want to make it short and sweet but be specific. You can be creative with this part. This step also relates a lot to The Law of Attraction which I will be eagerly posting about in the near future!
- Use positive affirmation while Meditating to dramatically boost the speed and quality. The reason why affirmations work so well while meditating is because you access your subconscious mind while meditating which makes you much more open to suggestion. This is also true with hypnosis.
- Listen to Binaural Beats while repeating your affirmations. I talk more about Binaural Beats in my post 3 simple ways to help you meditate like a Buddhist monk.
- There are great guided meditations that include affirmations that will repeat over and over in your mind. I do believe speaking the word is more effective, though this technique makes things much easier and still has value. You can listen to these audios as you sleep, and your subconscious mind will still pick up on the positive affirmations. You can get these downloads at The Guided Meditation Site.
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