Monday, October 13, 2014

5 Benefits of Meditation

5 Benefits of Meditation
In reality, there are probably hundreds of benefits of meditation. The five I will be giving you are a little broad because I am only writing a blog and not a book. The five benefits of meditation I will be talking about are the most important ones in my eyes. Hopefully reading this will convince you how beneficial meditating really is and make you want to do it every day. 

Some benefits of meditation

1. Reduce Stress

For me, reducing stress is one of the biggest benefits of meditation. I could come home from work after an exceptionally stressful day feeling absolutely drained. After meditating for 20-30 minutes I feel completely refreshed as if I just slept for 10 hours. I have had many experiences where I am very stressed and am about to go into a stressful situation. If I had gone into the stressful situation without meditating, I would have probably gotten into an argument, made a big mistake, or just been even more stressed out. Instead, I will meditate and reduce the stress so I can have the confidence and awareness to take on any situation. I feel like I can take on any challenge especially after meditating.
Remember, if you need help meditating, use meditation audios. They can walk you through a meditation or speed up the process. Both are great and very useful.

2. Reduces the chance of Mental Illness

Multiple studies show how meditation dramatically reduces the chance of becoming mentally ill. Coming from a mental health background, (I am in school getting my masters in mental health counseling and currently work as a case manager with mentally ill children and adults for several years). The great benefit of meditation is that it balances the body, mind, and spirit. This may not seem very important until you really understand how close we all are to mental illness. If you look at the symptoms for many mental illnesses, you may see some similarities in yourself and many of the people you know. Being unbalanced will steer you into the direction of mental illness and you won’t even know what’s going on until it’s too late. I don’t mean to scare you, instead just show the importance of meditation.

All Natural High - Uncover Heightened States
3. Keeps you Healthy

There are even more studies out there on how meditation keeps people healthy. Just to name off a few, meditation lowers blood pressure, strengthens your immune system, enhances energy, strength, and vigor, helps with weight loss, and so many more. ( This is where I could name off 100 different benefits by itself.)In my own experience, after starting to meditate, I have so much more energy to do the things I want, as well as the things I need to but always avoided.

4. Sharpens your Mind

Meditation starts in the mind, which is where I believe the connection between mind, body, and spirit begins. Your mind is the most powerful thing you possess, and will manifest anything you want and believe in, good or bad. You go where your mind goes. If you are in a good state of mind, things just happen to go your way all the time. On the other hand, if you are pessimistic and always negative and out of balance, your whole life will reflect how you feel. Everything starts in the mind, and eventually you will witness with your eyes. Meditation will strengthen your concentration, focus, awareness, confidence, creativity, and so much more.

5. Strengthens your Spirituality

Spirituality is a little harder to explain but I will do my best. Meditation will help you experience an inner sense of Assurance or Knowingness. It will give you a deeper understanding of yourself and others. It can provide peace of mind and happiness. These are only some of the reasons why I think the benefits to spirituality are the biggest reasons why I meditate. You can really figure out what makes you happy. You won’t be strayed away by thinking you need money or fame or the need to make everyone else happy. You figure out what you love, and in turn these things will make you happy, and can even make you a lot of money doing it. Most of the richest people in the world became rich just doing what they love to do. They were never in it for the money. It just came to them.

Again, if you are a beginner with meditation (or not) find an audio meditation. Guided Meditationand Binaural Beats both work great.


  1. Screw you Rick seal using my email Yall know he chooses yall whores over his family and wife of 24 years iam sure yall had a huge laugh at my expense
