Saturday, July 11, 2015

How An Ice Cube Can Make You Feel Younger and More Energetic

Put an Ice Cube on This Point of Your Neck and Watch What Happens!

feel younger

I would have never thought an ice cube could make such a huge difference in my life, but in fact, putting an ice cube on your neck can heal your body, recharge you, and make you feel younger and more energetic. I know this sounds so simple and I’m sure you are skeptical because I was too, but let me tell you how and why it works.

When you put an ice cube at the point where your head and neck are connected, this is when miracles happen.

To see the benefits of this simple trick just hold the ice cube for 20 minutes on this part of your neck. To make things easier, I just put the ice in a Ziploc bag so the water does not drip all over my back and make things uncomfortable. I also just lay my head back on my sofa with the ice in the middle, or simply just lay down with the ice under my neck. Naturally, at first you will start to feel a sharp cold feeling on your neck which may be a bit painful at first, but as long as you can push through it, after 30 or 40 seconds it will actually begin to feel warm.

By doing this every day, you will begin to feel euphoria. Even after just the first time doing it, you will be able to feel the changes in your body. The reason you feel this euphoria is because the very cold temperature on this part of your neck causes your brain to release endorphins into the blood. The cold temperature also increases blood flow through the body which creates several amazing benefits.

The Benefits Include:
·         Sleep Improvement
·         Stronger Immune System
·         Better Digestion
·         Improved Cardiovascular System
·         Reduces Joint Pain and Toothaches
·         Reduces the Chance of Headaches
·         Eliminates Degenerative Spine Changes
·         Manages Neurological Disorders
·         Helps with Sexually Transmitted and Gastrointestinal Disorders
·         Removes Thyroid Gland Disorders
·         Dramatically Reduces Arthritis, Hypotension, and Hypertension
·         Removes Asthma
·         Helps with Obesity and Malnutrition
·         No Cellulite
·         Better Menstruation and Helps with Impotence, Infertility, Endocrine Glands, and Frigidity
·         Can Treat Depression, Insomnia, Chronic Fatigue, Stress, and Psychoemotional Disorders

Essentially, this method helps the body return its balance, so technically it is not a cure, but instead, letting your body cure itself by rejuvenating the body. By creating endorphins and better blood circulation, you are creating a natural high which is good for the body and the mind.

I have also practiced meditation while using this ice cube method with amazing results.

You can find out more on how to meditate here