Sunday, November 13, 2016

★How to Meditate★ Meditation Tutorial: Beginner's Guide to Meditation

★How to Meditate★ Meditation Tutorial: Beginner's Guide to Meditation

This video’s intention is to teach you how to meditate. There are numerous types of meditation practices that differentiate in ways such as the direction of your focus, breathing techniques, and overall intention. This video will focus on basic techniques anyone can use and teach you how to meditate without the help of a guided voice. Guided meditations are wonderful and have amazing benefits to the listener, but this video will help you learn how to meditate on your own which brings a whole other set of experiences and benefits. If you want to listen and experience other guided meditation, check out my page and subscribe for new meditations every week.
The first step in meditating is finding a quiet, comfortable place where there will be no distractions for however long you wish to meditate. A simple rule in figuring out how long to meditate is taking your age and meditating for that number of minutes. So if you are 35 years old, you can meditate for 35 minutes. If this is too long or have trouble meditating for this amount of time it is ok. Just do what you can. Studies have shown that as little as 5 minutes a day of mindfulness meditation can bring dramatic positive changes.
So, now that you have found a comfortable place to meditate, decide whether you want to sit or lie down. You can sit in a chair, on the ground with legs crossed, or lie down on a bed/couch, just be sure that your back is straight and you are comfortable.
Now we can begin. Close your eyes if you’d like and begin to focus on your breathing. Meditating is all about being in the present moment, and to help you get into the present moment, it is best to focus on all of the little details of your breath. Take long, slow, deep breathes in through your nose.. and out through your mouth. and focus on the feeling of the air entering your nose, the temperature, pressure.. follow this breath as is slowly enters the lungs. Feel your lungs expand with fresh clean air. Feel your stomach rise as well as if the air continues to move through the body and fill it up with positive energy. When you breathe out, focus on the warm temperature of the air exiting the body..
Now, you can direct your attention to the relaxation of the body. The more relaxed the body becomes, the easier it is for the mind to let go and relax. With each and every breath you take, focus on letting go of all the tension in the muscles and the joints in the body. You can focus specifically on each part of the body, or you can choose to relax the entire body as a whole. Either way choose just focus on how relaxed your body is becoming and how wonderful you are beginning to feel. continue for a few moments just focusing on your breath, relaxing the body, and staying in the present moment…
You may notice that your mind has wandered a bit and strayed from the present moment. This is ok. It takes much practice to be able to quiet the mind as thoughts and memories continuously barrage our mind. When you notice that these thoughts do enter the mind, just acknowledge it and let it go. You do not need to suppress these thoughts, just gently notice them and continue to move on just letting go of the thought. You can imagine that these thoughts are just like bubbles. When they appear, notice them, then you can just pop it and let it disappear and just let it go. Continue to do this until your mind becomes quiet and still. Once you are at this point, these random thoughts will stop entering the mind, and you will truly be in the present moment. So take a moment to notice these random thoughts enter the mind and just let them go until your mind is completely clear. The more you practice meditation, the easier this process becomes and the quicker it will take you to access this higher self. You will begin to see things more clearly, as you remove the ego, fears, and everything else that gets in the way of your true self. Once you are at this point, you can focus on whatever you want whether that is making an important decision, learning more about yourself, or just enjoying the wonderful feeling of being with yourself.
Now take as much time as you need. Whether you are working on letting go of your thoughts or you have cleared your mind. Just enjoy the moment, enjoy the journey.

Manifest Meditation:
Sleep Meditation:
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Stress Relief Meditation:
How to Meditate:
Benefits of Meditation:
What I learned From 13 Years Meditation:

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